dirty air ducts

Have you recently thought about dirty air ducts or not? Do you regularly check your duct system to maintain its integrity and efficiency? 

Widely, homeowners consider the duct system one part of the heating and cooling system that tends to get little attention unless there’s some breakdown. Unfortunately, that’s not a good habit because your dirty air ducts demand proper maintenance to function at their peak. Now, we will share some essential information that you need to know about dirty air ducts.

Comprehending What Can Be Lurking in Your Dirty Air Ducts

dirty air ducts

Frankly, to understand the importance of dirty air duct cleaning, one must know what sort of contaminants could be lurking in those ducts right now. Below are the common contaminants that may be present in your dirty air ducts system:

  • Dust and Dust Mites: You spend a lot of time dusting the different parts of your home. That’s the visible dirt that you can easily remove daily. But what about the duct particles that settle into the air ducts? The duct operation pulls the dust particles from outside and later recirculates them in your indoor air. Therefore, you might be breathing poor air quality, that’s not good for your health.
  • Pet Dander: Do you love to have pets in your home? Well, if you have a cat or a dog inside your home, there is high chance that their hair and other waste end up on the furniture. The worse thing is that the dander will also get into the duct system. Gradually, it will blend with other pollutants and enter your indoor air. It is what you have been breathing with the dirty ducts.
  • Rodent Remains and Waste: Mostly, every home faces the terror of pests that are not easy to deal with. The pest issue spread more quickly with the air duct system. Even if you have an exterminator come in and treat the house, the odds are high that some traces of those pests remain in the duct system. Breathing air that involves rodent remains and waste will cause different health issues. Therefore, it is essential to have the dirty air duct cleaned on time.
  • Mould and Mildew: Condensation can be set up in the duct system and leave behind enough residue to trigger mold growth. When you do not treat the dirty ducts for a longer time, you may also find mildew in the ducts. So, the tiny spores break off when the air flows over the mold and is carried into your rooms. These spores, when entering your body, cause severe issues.

dirty air ducts

Final Words

All the contaminants mentioned above are commonly found in the dirty air duct. However, these are not limited. Many other pollutants can end up in the duct system. 

Get a professional air duct cleaning to prevent yourself from inhaling poor indoor air quality that is full of harmful contaminants.

So, don’t suffer from dirty air ducts and call Fairfax Air Cleaning to reduce indoor air problems and to get the most proficient services. !