How do air ducts affect your Energy Bill?

Has it ever happened that you noticed an inexplicable rise in your electricity bill despite using the same appliances for the same amount of time that you generally do? Nobody likes to waste money, and your HVAC system can be one of your home’s most significant sources of waste. Many factors can increase your costs, and some of these can be very subtle in their effect on your usage. Let’s take a look at how air ducts affect your energy bill?

1. Grills and registers have not been adequately sealed

Grills and registers not appropriately sealed can prevent air from flowing from your ductwork. As a result, it will take your air conditioner system a long time to reach your desired temperature. An HVAC professional technician can adequately seal your grills to eliminate that air and energy loss.

2. Leaking ductwork

How do air ducts affect your Energy Bill?

Loose ductwork can cause the air to leak into open space and affect your indoor air quality too. According to the HVAC experts, the average home loses about 20-40% of the air that circulates through leaking ducts, causing significant inefficiency in your HVAC system.

3. Insufficient insulation

If your ducts are not insulated properly, you could be throwing away hundreds of dollars a year. To enhance your heating and cooling system’s efficiency, you should insulate your air ducts. 

4. Dirty and clogged air filters

Dirty and clogged air filters are one of the primary reasons behind the malfunctions of an HVAC system. The air filters are responsible for filtering bacteria, fungi, dust, dirt, and other such particles so that they don’t contaminate your house. Unfortunately, these filtered particles get stuck on the filter and clog it. The accumulated debris obstructs the airflow through your ductwork, and your air conditioning unit takes longer to reach your desired temperature. As a result, the runtime increases, and more electricity is consumed—this increase in electricity consumption results in higher energy bills.

5. Improper maintenance

Without regular maintenance, your heating and cooling system’s efficiency will continue to decrease. However, by doing something as simple as replacing a clogged air filter, you can lessen your AC’s energy usage by 5 to 15 percent. Imagine what getting the entire system tuned up could do.

6. Insufficient refrigerant

How do air ducts affect your Energy Bill?

The refrigerant in an air conditioning unit plays a vital role in adequate cooling and distributing hot air in your home. This coolant removes heat from your home while allowing for the production of cold air. Unfortunately, if your AC leaks or has other refrigerant-related issues, your system will not draw out heat efficiently. As a result, it can make your system work significantly more challenging to reach desired temperatures, causing higher electric bills.

Final words

Your air ducts are one of the critical systems in your house, and if the ducts are not properly sealed or insulated, they are likely contributing to higher energy bills. At Fairfax Air Cleaning, we offer solutions for all air duct cleaning needs. In addition, we have extensive experience and knowledge to help maintain a clean and safe work environment for you and your family.